Monday, June 9, 2008

june club

for club this month, we are going to attend the recycling open house on Wednesday, June 11th from 5:30-7:30pm at the city office building. i think they want club 14 to be in some commercials they are shooting about recycling for channel 17. there will also be lots of information about the program and you can get a sneak peak at the state-of-the-art recycling bins that can be yours once you sign up for the program.

okay, so this isn't the real june club, but think of it as the before-club party. you all know i will be there.

p.s. 393 people have signed up now... nice!
p.p.s. lindsey v- i haven't forgotten about your inquiry, i'm still checking on something.


Mark & Jill said...

PPS... Make that 394. I just sat down and signed up. Your persistence is working.

lindsey v said...

mindi-- will the recycling only be for SF, if so, how can we get salem on the bandwagon? Thanks for letting me know your still looking into the "secret potion".

mindi said...

yes- sadly, only for sf... and it has taken years to try to convince. i say you should start a salem recycling task force!

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.